Move In Information

You must have a confirmed settlement date before booking your move-in.

Please read the Move in / Out Conditions before continuing with your booking.

  • To successfully facilitate your move-in or move-out, Building Management requires
    a minimum of 72 hours notice during business hours.

  • Due to the number of residents initially moving into the building, only ONE 3-hour booking is permitted for removalists and large items.

  • The resident must be present to manage the removalist at all times.

  • Removalists are to park on Davenport Street during the permitted move-in booking time.

  • Goods can be brought through the front entrance of the building. Care must be taken when moving large items through the glass doors.

  • You must upload your removalist's public liability certificate of currency to this form.

  • Removalists must not prop open doors or lock off lifts except as instructed by Building Management.

  • No items are to be placed against walls, doors or left unattended in the lobby at any time.

  • Residents are responsible for clearing all rubbish from the common property.

  • Dumping hard rubbish in the bin rooms or any common areas is strictly prohibited.

  • The resident is responsible for any damage caused to the common property.

  • Residents and their removalists must ensure that vehicles do not block access the car parks or the temporary moving bay.

Lift Dimensions

Door Opening Dimensions

2.1 m high x 1 m wide

Internal Lift Dimensions

Width: 1.4 meters

Depth: 1.94 meters

Height: 2.4 meters

Basement car park vehicle maximum Height: 2.2 meters

Site Map